Thursday, February 16, 2012

What spark plug is good for a 98 V4 Toyota Camry?

Do anyone noe what is the size i need to buy for the 98 V4 Toyota Camry spark plug?

PS: i need performance.What spark plug is good for a 98 V4 Toyota Camry?Its best to stay with the factory recommended designed for the vehicle when you change a name type but stay within factory specification you will be fine , but when you change the recommended heat range for that motor is when you will get into trouble, the spark plug will flash igniting the fuel vapor and cause an explosion, in the designated cylinder and all they do is spark and buy changing to different type all you will get is a spark same so save your money and keep it stock, a engineer who know a great deal about motors designed the type for that motor so to want to change it is ignorance, don't take that personal just saying they do what they do cause they know best, enough that Toyota puts there name on it, and trust me Toyota knows best for your motor than you and I

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