Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why is there a smear campaign against Toyota?

There are lots of cars with worse issues on a wider scale than Toyota's acceleration issue which is very rare. Yet every news outlet is trashing Toyota and scaring people from buying it! Is it so they buy American cars instead? Seems a little shady. I hope Toyota fights back and doesn't get intimidated.Why is there a smear campaign against Toyota?Because they are pushing genetal motors. Sure now they do all the coverage on the very few (8) fatal incidents. At least Toyota owned up to it, and is recalling and apologizing like a man. In the 90s when fords spontaniously combusted, ford said sorry, did they recall and halt? NO! Early Chevys diesel trucks are rare almost extinct, they didnt recall there trucks or appologize for there flaw in engine design. Mhh?

And to those people who say buy american, All toyotas trucks and some suvs are made in America, Its there cars that are imported. And if i recall correctly Gerneral Motors,Ford, and Chrystler(who was german company) did the exact same thing and only built gas guzzlers and imported eco friendly cars rebaged under there brand before the bail out.Why is there a smear campaign against Toyota?
it is now toyota's turn they were the god almighty car maker nothing ever wrong with them now they have major problems and didn't do anything about it for almost a year so americans can say go buy u.s so toyota deserves it nowWhy is there a smear campaign against Toyota?Toyota has a great car, and a great reputation. But they apparently overlooked this issue, or were in denial about it, until it just mushroomed, and the media jumped on it because a good scandal gets readers and viewers, and sells newspapers and TV ad time.

Yeah, some of the media probably want to push US-made cars, and some just want to take a poke at Toyota. But accusing "every news outlet" of this is a fairly simplistic and naive outlook.
Seems a little shady to sell any non american made car here

where you cant buy the same there for less that is shady

and there is about a million people that wil tel you same thing

that one Toyota cost your family a job food a life but you got a cheaper car

one car sold here but a 100 americans at home a little shady

if anything price should be twice as high as a ford or chevy just to ship it here or make it here

great cars sure great for americans never

your moms your dads your aunts and uncles brothers and sisters

All thank you for taking their jobs away

a little shady? not even close

but your right it is a minor problem just a major recall of cars

buy American products to feeds Americans to keep America moving

Seems a little shady to have sold them here at allWhy is there a smear campaign against Toyota?There is NO smear campaign against Toyota! Toyota refused to admit its problems for years and its coming back to bite them. The Government has been pushing them to address this problem since 2007 to no avail. This is what happens when you try to sweep something under the rug!

Toyota has been very deceitful on this entire issue even to point of blaming its customers for its flaws. It took 19 deaths and 100s of accidents before the US government insisted there be a recall!

Toyota wont fight back, They know they are wrong! That is why they came on television and apologized! That is all they have left, apologies!Why is there a smear campaign against Toyota?
im thinking the same thing,yet the media still feeds this hype to the public,if they are so bad why are they still on the roads,why is ford and nissan using toyota thec on there cars?it just so happens this buy american thing is around the same time,,Honda just recalled fits cause they can just catch on fire,why isn't the world making a big deal on that,i would rather a car that moves on its own than lighting up,also there has only been 5 reported cases on this toyota recall,only 5 i mean every year there are thousands of sticking pedal issues from every car company,so why,its media hype and alot of gullible owners out there
There is no smear campaign. Toyota is an Oriental brand. Oriental brands are always inferior to American brands.

The End.Why is there a smear campaign against Toyota?
Toyota has value engineered themselves into this position. THen,denial and slow response to very serious problems exacerbated the situation..Even now,the response and openness is underwhelming.

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