Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why does the brake and battery light show up on my toyota corolla DX?

I have an '89 Toyota Corolla DX. When I was driving home home work Friday, my battery and brake light randomly came on. Whenever I hit the brakes, sometimes the lights would go away, but then come right back on 10 seconds later. My car recently passed inspection last month, I don't understand.Why does the brake and battery light show up on my toyota corolla DX?The car's almost 20 years old. Sounds like one or more of the switches are loose.Why does the brake and battery light show up on my toyota corolla DX?check the master cylinder to see if it is low as far as the battery light check to see if the alternator is putting out 14ampsWhy does the brake and battery light show up on my toyota corolla DX?This usually happens when the alternator quits on these cars. Get it checked out before you run the battery down. Check your brake fluid first, though.

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